In order to effectively analyze all of the data points derived from assessments, classroom observations and other sources, a $14,575 Development & Expansion grant from AEF will support the training needed to implement the Data Wise project in all of Arlington’s public schools.
The overarching goal of the Arlington Public Schools is to ensure that all graduates are well-prepared to move effectively into the next phase of their life plan. APS strives for equity for all students; therefore each student must receive an education that addresses his or her individual needs. In order to do this, educators rely on data derived from many sources: standardized testing, classroom assessments, observations, and others. “The Data Wise Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education works with educators around the world to develop resources that support the collaborative improvement of teaching and learning. We help schools, districts, and organizations to cultivate the habits of mind, norms, and practices that support continuous improvement and lead to equitable outcomes for all students”.
Training in the Data Wise process will be provided by Teachers21 and will begin in the spring of 2019. It will finish up during the 2020 school year. 60 Principals, Vice Principals, Department Heads, Curriculum Leaders, Academic Coaches, Interventionists, and Special Education Coordinators will receive this training. The goal is to use the protocols learned through the Data Wise project to inform the interpretation of all the various data available to Arlington educators today, from MCAS to the various assessments that are given at all levels to exams at the higher levels. This will, in turn, enable the district to improve instruction where it is most needed.
At the conclusion of this project, each school will have an administrator-led Data Team who will be able to implement the Data Wise process so that the Data Wise improvement cycle will inform decision-making regarding goal selection, school improvement creation, instruction planning and addressing areas of educational need. Arlington serves as the first district for which Teachers21 has developed a Data course for building and district administrators. Educational equity is giving each student what he or she needs, both academically and social-emotionally. Using a consistent improvement cycle will help Arlington’s educators learn deeply about students. This data cycle will then inform educators about when and where to provide additional interventions, instruction, and challenge.